
  1. NAME
    The Society shall be known as the NG34 Model Railway Society (NG34MRS)
    The objectives of the Society shall be :-
    a) To provide help and encouragement to members in the enjoyment of the hobby of railway modelling
    b) To encourage interest by the wider public in railway modelling
    c) To hold regular meetings with the intention of building layouts to the highest standard achievable by the Society and to exhibit such layouts to the general public.
    d) To promote model railway exhibitions locally
    e) To attend, at the discretion of the Committee, other model railway exhibitions or events if and when invited
    f) To establich and maintain links with other model railway clubs, assosciations and socities
    a) Membership is open to anyone over eighteen (18) years of age
    b) A trial period of two (2) weeks is allowed for prospective members free of fees
    c) Application for membership shall be made to the Membership Secretary using the approved pro-forma
    d) The Committee whose decision shall be final reserves the right to decline membership
    e) The effective date of membership shall be the date on which a members application is accepted by the Committee.
    f) Accepted Members will be issued with a Membership Card bearing their name, membership number, date of admission and expiry of membership.
    g) A new membership card will be issued on payment of future Annual Membership Fees
    a) An Annual Membership Fee shall be agreed at the Annual General Meeting of Members to be paid on 1 April each year
    b) Where membership commences part way through a financial year a quarterly pro-rata Annual Membership Fee shall be paid
    c) An attendance fee shall be paid each time the member attends a meeting of the Society
    d) A member may claim a concessionary membership fee of half the monthly rate, at the discretion of the Committee, if personal circumstances are causing them financial hardship
    a) A member may resign his membership at any time in writing to the Membership Secretary
    b) The Committee may ask anyone whose behaviour or actions are felt to be offensive to other members or disruptive or whose actions may adversley impact the reputation of the Society to appear before the Committe to offer an explanation for such behaviour or actions
    c) At its discretion the Committee may ask the offender to apologise, to not attend for a defined period, or may terminate the membership without reimbursment of any fees paid.
    d) Any member whose membership is terminated has the right to appeal the decision to a panel of three ordinary members
    The Society shall be managed by a Committee which shall consist of four (4) Officers who shall be the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Secretary together with one elected member from each ‘section’. A ‘section’ shall consist of those members primarily constructing or operating a Society layout of distinct gauge or method of control. The Officers and members of the Committee shall be elected or re-elected annually by simple majority of those fully paid up members attending the Annual General Meeting.
    a) The affairs of the Society shall be managed and administered by the Committee, whose duty it shall be to decide all administrative business connected to the Society, and to decide on a course of action when a question is raised not covered by these Rules of the Society
    b) The Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancies occurring during its year of office by co-option.
    c) The Committee may co-opt additional members for any specific purpose.
    d) The Committee shall meet periodically as may be necessary, three members to form a quorum, two of which must be elected members of the Committee. They will meet at such times and places as they may decide.
    e) In the event of a tied vote at Committee meetings and/or General Meetings, the Chairman shall have an additional casting vote.
    f) The Committee may appoint a sub-Committee for special purposes subject to such rules and conditions as the Committee deem fit.
    g) All correspondence, and the business of the Society, shall be conducted in the name of the Society and not by individuals.
    h) The Committee shall have the power to make rules regarding the operating, and use of the Society’s premises, equipment, and accessories, and shall have the power to amend such rules as it deems fit from time to time without calling a General Meeting.
    i) The Committee shall keep the Society’s income and expenditure under regular review.
    The Chairman shall, by virtue of his office, be the senior member of the Society and will be responsible for ensuring that the principles and policies of the Society are upheld.
    The Secretary shall, by virtue of his office, also be Vice-Chairman of the Committee, and is responsible for:
    a) The keeping of a record of the Society’s activities
    b) The keeping of minutes of all Committee and Sub-Committee meetings
    c) Ensuring the smooth day to day running of the Society
    d) Corresponding with any outside parties on behalf of the Society
    e) Updating the Society’s social media outlets with news of Society activies
    The Treasurer is responsible for:
    a) Keeping the accounts of the Society in a proper and recognised fashion.
    b) Preparing the accounts for audit/inspection each year.
    c) Presentation of an Annual Financial Statement to the Committee and then to the Annual General Meeting
    d) The collection of member’s subscriptions and fees, and the safe keeping of such Society monies as shall be in his possession.
    e) The payment of monies owing to creditors, on production of an invoice and shall, where appropriate, obtain a receipt for such monies or secure some other written acknowledgement that payment has been issued.
    f) Maintain an inventory of all tools, equipment and rolling stock owned by the Society.
    The Membership Secretary is responsible for
    a) Receiving all applications for Membership of the Society
    b) Presenting Applications for Membership to the Committee for approval
    c) Maintaining a record of all current members of the Society in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018
    d) Issuing an annual membership card, which may be used to secure discounts at participating retail outlets, to each member.
    a) The Financial year of the Society shall commence on 1 April each year.
    b) The Society shall maintain at least a current account in its own name
    c)The Society may maintain a deposit or savings account in its own name
    d) All cheques and orders for payment out of Society monies shall be signed by the Treasurer
    e) Any payment over £50 in value shall first be authorised by two members of the Committee who shall append their signatures to the account together with the date of signing
    f) All payments of monies from Society funds shall be supported by an invoice or receipt from the supplier
    g) The Treasurer may hold a debit card in the name of the Society in order to make electronic payments on behalf of the Society in accordance with paragraph 10e) above
    h) The Treasurer may make electronic payment and transfers using online banking facilities in accordance with paragraph 12e) above
    i) The Treasurer shall provide the Society’s Bank with a specimen signature and ensure compliance with any requirements of such Bank as to the management of the Society’s accounts
    a) An Annual General meeting shall be held in July of each year for the purpose of receiving reports from the Chairman and Secretary and to receive and approve a written financial report from the Treasurer
    b) At such General Meeting more than half of the current paid up membership shall constitute a quorum
    c) The Secretary shall notify all members in writing or by email in June of the date of the upcoming Annual General Meeting
    d) Any member who wishes to raise a proposal to be considered by the Annual General Meeting shall forward this to the Secretary at least 21 days before the proposed date of the Annual General Meeting
    e) The Secretary will forward to each member, in writing or by email, at least 14 days beforehand an Agenda for the Annual General Meeting confirming the date, time and venue for the Annual General Meeting together with a copy of the Annual Financial Statement and any member proposals brought forward for consideration by the Annual General Meeting.
    f) Decisions of the Annual General Meeting shall be by simple majority
    g) The Chairman shall have a casting vote in case of a split decision
    An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by the Committee or by a quarter of the current paid up membership requesting the Committee to call such a meeting
    a) The date of such Extrordinary General Meeting shall be decided by the Committee and shall be within 30 days of the request for the meeting being received. The Secretary shall inform those calling for the Extrordinary General Meeting of the proposed date of the meeting within 14 days of receiving that call
    b) A calling notice and agenda for the Extraordinary General Meeting, together with a detailed explanation (supplied by the callers) shall be given in writing or by email to each member at least 14 days before the meeting.
    c) The business of the Extraordinary General Meeting shall be that for which it was called and no other
    d) At an Extraordinary General Meeting more than half the current paid up membership shall constitute a quorum
    e) The decision of the Extrordinary General Meeting shall be by simple majority
    f) The Chairman shall have a casting vote in case of a split decision
    In the event of the dissolution of the Society, for whatever reason, all assets (including monies, tools, etc.) are to be disposed of and any monetary value realised is to be divided as shares between the current paid up members in the following manner:
    All current paid up members to have one share for each full year’s membership
    Where there are insufficient funds to meet any legal liabilities of the Society the shortfall shall be met by contributions from members as above.
    The method of disposal/reimbursement is to be decided at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the current Club members called in accordance with paragraph 14 above.
  16. VOTING
    a) On propostions at a General Meeting a decision shall be arrived at by a simple majority vote.
    b) The Chairman shall have a casting vote in case of a split decision
    c) Such voting shall be by a show of hands, unless the meeting should decide otherwise.
    d) The election of the Committee shall be by secret ballot unless the meeting decides otherwise.
    e) Each paid up member of the Society shall have one vote on each proposition put to the meeting
    f) Members who are in arrears with their fees and subscriptions by two (2) weeks or more, shall not be eligible to vote at a meeting.
    a) Members shall be required to behave in a seemly and orderly manner when on the Society premises, or when attending a function organised by the Society, or when representing the Society.
    b) Any member not so doing may be asked, at the discretion of the Committee, to resign their membership of the Society, without refund of any subscription or fees etc. which may have been paid.
    a) Members may bring guests to the Society meetings, such guests shall be the responsibility of the member inviting him/her and no payment shall be expected of them.
    b) Guests who become regular attendees will be invited to apply for membership of the Society under the conditions of rule 3b).
    a) Alterations, amendments and additions to these rules shall be made only by a General Meeting of the Society
    b) Included in the notice for such meeting shall be a draft of the proposed new rule(s)/alteration(s), if an existing rule is to be rescinded/replaced/altered then this rule must be quoted in full
    c) The conditions set out in Rule 13 and Rule 14, as appropriate, shall also apply to such notice
    These rules shall come into force on 2 July 2024 and be known as the NG34 MODEL RAILWAY SOCIETY RULES 2024