NG34 Model Railway Society’s first ever show is set to take place on Saturday, March 8th at Cranwell Village Hall from 10am – 4pm. We’re really excited for this to take place and it’s the culmination of the hard work and dedication of our events team. There will be 13 layouts, 2 traders, 3 demonstrations, […]
Club Open Day
I would like to say a massive ‘thank you’ to all that came and made today happen; our friends from other clubs and exhibitors that came to support us, the unsung heros that aren’t part of the club but wanted to see us succeed with their help in the kitchen and on the door. A […]
First Club meeting a success
We’re very excited – the first meeting of the club went smoothly! We had people come along from Sleaford, the surrounding villages, and even as far as Newark! What’s even more exciting for us is that we managed to get a few more members into the club – with growth comes great model railway layouts! […]
Counting down to Sleaford’s newest model railway club!
One more day. Just one more day until we officially become Sleaford’s newest model railway club and we open our doors to new members. It’s mad to think that only a few months ago this all started because Eddie and Shaun wanted to build a layout in a shed, and the more people we spoke […]
NG34 MRS Open Day!
We have scheduled an open day for the club! We’ll be hosting an event on the 22nd September at Cranwell Village Hall to showcase what we’re all about as a club. We intend to have layouts in progess on display, along with a number of layouts created by members and there will also be a […]
Venue secured! Cranwell Village Hall
We have managed to secure Cranwell Village Hall for us to meet every Friday at 7pm going forward. There are a few exceptions to this due to prior bookings (9th & 16th August, 20th September), but from then onwards there should be no disruptions to club nights. We’re really hoping that the village hall works […]
Membership fees agreed
Amongst further discussions about possible a possible venue for the club, we have reached a decission regarding the membership fees. Annual Fee: There will be an annual fee of £20 per year, pro-rata depending on what point in the year you joinWeekly Fee: There will be a weekly fee of £5 for every week a […]
Sleaford’s new Model Railway Club formed
We’re pleased to announce that we’ve officially formed Sleaford’s newest Model Railway Club – the NG34 Model Railway Society. The club/society is formed of a core committee of 4 members; the Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and Membership Secretary. We signed off the rules and appointed members to the committee over a pint – we start as […]