
The NG34 Model Railway Society is managed by four core committee members; the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Secretary. Each post of the committee will be up for re-election every year at the club’s AGM.

Chairman – Shaun Gill

The role of the chairman is to oversee the society and that good governance is upheld. The chair is also responsible for running all committee meetings, and should any vote in the club result in a tie, the chairman has the casting vote.

Secretary – Colin Houseman

The secretary is to take full minutes of all meetings that take place in the club and to ensure that any rule changes that take place are reflected accordingly in the constitution. Should the Chairman not be available to run a committee meeting, then the Secretary will do so in their absence

Treasurer – Eddie King

The treasurer maintains the financial records and all bank accounts for the club. Any expenditure that is related to the society’s activity should come through the Treasurer

Membership Secretary – William Elkington

The role of the membership secretary is to maintain a record of all society members and to adhere to GDPR guidelines. All communication direct to members is to be done through the membership secretarty.

Extending the committee

Any member may be co-opted onto the committee for any specific purpose. An example of this is should we run a special event, then we may elect to co-opt an “Exhibition Manager” for the duration needed, and they themselves may involve other members to form a sub-committee.

Club openess

We have agreed that no committee meeting shal be held “behind closed doors” unless it is directly regarding and individual member (eg under Rule 17.b). Should any member wish to attend a committee meeting then they are more than welcome to observe and take part in if required.

For further reading into the club governance, you may wish to read through the Club Rules.